Now Everyone Can Be Better With a Coach. The World's Largest Network of Coaches is Virtually Accessible with Ezra.

LHH's investment in a consumer grade virtual coaching app called Ezra is revolutionizing the coaching industry.

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NEW YORK, NY – June 20, 2019 – Lee Hecht Harrison (LHH) announced today that “Ezra,” a new virtual coaching application, is delivering on the promise of helping individuals at all levels of the organisation get better with professional coaching delivered digitally.

For 50 years, LHH has coached millions of people all over the world. According to Ranjit de Sousa, President of LHH, “With over 2,000 LHH coaches worldwide, coaching is in our DNA.  We know better than anyone the positive impact that coaching can have on people’s lives and careers. Because we believe so strongly that everyone can benefit from having a coach, we challenged ourselves to make professional coaching available to as many people as possible. To do this with innovation and speed, we created a new division called WorkLifeLabs. We wanted to take our world class coaching base and combine it with the user experience of today’s modern world.”  

LHH’s WorkLifeLabs has been working with app developers, UX specialists, HR teams and LHH employees to make the technology we interact with at work as user-friendly as the apps we use at home. Their first product is an app named Ezra that quickly and seamlessly connects people to world class professional development coaches. Why the name Ezra? It means “to help” in Aramaic.

 Nick Goldberg, Executive Vice President of WorkLifeLabs at LHH says, “Ezra will radically change the way people experience coaching and dramatically accelerate their development. Our coaches run their one-on-one sessions through our video platform embedded in Ezra. It’s as easy to schedule an appointment as booking a restaurant on OpenTable. Beautiful in design, easy to access, and powerfully engaging, we already have leading global organisations getting immense value.”  

LHH research has uncovered several use cases for an organisation that make virtual coaching an attractive proposition for businesses. From first-time managers learning new skills to high potential employees that need guidance on stretch assignments. “Ezra captures real-time feedback from both coaches and coachees after every virtual session, making it extremely responsive and valuable to businesses and HR leaders. The impact we have already seen on people’s lives and the value it provides to their organisation is profound, and we’re just getting started,” says Goldberg.

Experience the virtual coaching revolution for yourself.  Visit to learn more and request a demo. 

About Lee Hecht Harrison 

Lee Hecht Harrison (LHH) is the world’s leading company in coaching and career transition by helping  companies transform their leaders and workforce so they can accelerate performance. In an era of continuous change, successfully transforming your workforce depends on how well companies and their people embrace, navigate, and lead change; in the organisation and their career. At LHH, we use our expertise in talent development and transition to deliver tailored solutions that help our clients transform their leaders and workforce, so they have the people and culture they need to evolve and grow. We are passionate about making a difference in people’s careers and building better leaders so our clients can build a strong employer brand.

For further information contact:

Michelle Anthony
Chief Marketing Officer
Lee Hecht Harrison
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